Friday, February 20, 2009

It's Time to Change

Welcome all, 

If you are reading this blog, chances are that you are current client/a past client/or a friend that may be interested in getting to your health goals. This officially the first blog in my career and the short lived existence of Performance Unlimited, and might I say "I can't believe that I am doing this!"

Well, the biggest buzz word or phrase in health and fitness these days (not a coincidence that it is the beginning of the year) is CHANGE, and I believe that I am not different than anyone else. You have probably heard the cliche saying that, "in order to change your life (health), you cannot continue to do the same things that got you here." I am a big believer in that statement and I truly think that it goes for every aspect in our lives. I have health and fitness goals, I have personal goals, and I have business goals. In order for me to achieve those goals, I cannot sit here and continue to do the things that I did yesterday, or last year...I have to progress, work to make changes, create different habits...all for a different, and hopefully positive, outcome. Which brings me to this blog. 

I am going to keep up with this blog for you, me, and the business. I got some great feedback and excitement about the essay I wrote a few weeks back on "Successful clients" and I would like to continue to share these thoughts with you, so that you may get something from it...but, honestly, I get a lot out of it, as well. The majority of my posts will be about Health and Fitness, but not restricted to. If I see an inspirational story or funny video, I may add it in. Some of the posts planned for the next couple of weeks will include "Why Women Will not Bulk", "Risks of Chronic Negativity", "Why You Should not Run Long Distances", and "Fats are Good"...

So please check regularly, and pass it on to anyone that may be of interest. Please send feedback, because that will determine what the topics may be or whether this is the best way to get the information out to you. 

Thanks again for allowing me to do what I love to do
John Lytton
Performance Unlimited


  1. I can't wait to read about long distance and to finally get in the gym with you.


  2. Jose, you are a perfect example of how people can get banged up from long slow distance running...stay tuned
